
Within the start-up and new venture ecosystem, companies are often confronted with many options and a management team could lead the company into a myriad of directions.

But no matter in which direction the company progresses, there are the same ingredients that lead to success. These ingredients can generally be categorised along three dimensions:

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• Founders are driven by impact, resulting in passion and commitment

• Develop the right mentoring relationships and high level of trust

• Leadership with general and domain specific business knowledge

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Agile Persistence

• Commitment to stay the course and stick with a chosen path

• Willingness to adjust, but not constantly adjusting

• Patience and persistence due to the timing mismatch of expectations and reality

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Hungry For Success

• Balance of technical and business knowledge, with necessary technical expertise in product development

• Implementing “Lean Startup” principles: Raising the right quantum of resources

• Willingness to observe, listen and learn

Bright Dimension helps its clients to understand their strengths and weaknesses along these dimensions, helps them accelerate their growth along these dimensions and ultimately enables them to succeed along all three dimensions.

Credit: Patrick Henry for this concise summary

Let’s Work Together

If you are a start up, new venture or exisiting company with a focus on the energy sector let’s chat.