About Us

A specialist strategy and management consultancy

Bright Dimension is a specialist strategy and management consulting company, with one purpose at its core;

Enabling and supporting start-ups, new ventures and established companies to shape our clean energy future.

The service provided by Bright Dimension spans across renewable energy, electric vehicles, energy storage, distributed energy resources and asset management, and related fields driving the transition to a cleaner, sustainable future.

Bright Dimension is passionate about helping its clients to succeed in the two dimensions essential for any company:

Doing the right thing-strategy dimension – and doing it right – management dimension.

It doesn’t matter if a start-up is running with its founding idea or if an established company wants to build a new business venture, the fundamental questions are the same.

What is the right thing to do?

How do we do the right thing right?

When are we doing it right?

The most challenging phase of any new venture is the commercialisation phase after the initial business idea has been formulated but before a sustainable, fully profitable growth phase has been reached.

This is the period when a new venture is most vulnerable and can still go into many directions. It is also the period where a new venture is confronted with a high degree of uncertainty, and success is still more an aspiration than reality.

This is the period when clients appreciate the clarity and focus that the Bright Dimension consultancy and management services can bring to their new venture.

Let’s Work Together